Tom asked me today why do I love him so much? I really couldn’tanswer that question, well not with words at least. I have example but notwords really… Like I love how me answers his phone when I call, even if I havecalled him 7 times in 7 hours he always answers his phone like it’s the firsttime I call that day. He never says I’m bothering him, he might ask me to callhim back in a little bit, but he never makes me feel like I was the last personhe wanted to speak with.
The other day I just couldn’t get enough of him, I reallywanted to just talk to him all day long, and never stop. Finally when I knew itwas about the time for him to go to sleep I called him and told him good nightand I will speak with him in the morning. About an hour later I get a messageon my phone and it was from him and he just said I know you couldn’t get enoughof me today so I just wanted to say good night one more time. Its stuff like thatthat makes me love him more and more every day…
I can honestly say I do love him more today than I didyesterday and I’m sure I will love him more tomorrow than I do today. I don’t believethat God would bring him and I together for no reason, just for “this” to fallapart. I don’t believe that at all, I know without a dough him and I are goingto get married and that we are made for each other.
My dad asked me the other day how Tom and I speak all day onthe phone, what do we have to talk about for hours and hours? I told him thatwhen you have a relationship based on distance that what you have to do. Totell you the truth there are very few days that we don’t have something to talkabout, well usually I speak and he listens (lol) but there are days when he isa talker too don’t get me wrong.
We have problems just like any other relationship too. Justbecause we are miles away from each other don’t think we don’t fight sometimesor get jealous or irritated with each other. No relationship is perfect and I’mnot clamming that ours is at all, but who wants to be with someone who isperfect anyways???
I have never been a jealous person before, but there issomething about Tom that makes me jealous, not in a bad way, but in a “I don’t wantanyone else to realize how awesome you are” kind of way. But then I have tothink about it differently, do I trust Tom? Of course I do, more than anyonejust about in the world (besides my family) , so if I trust him then I have tothink that he’s not going to leave me for someone else, I have to have moreconfidence in myself , my relationship, and my fiancé.
Tom makes me feel like I am the most beautiful person in theworld, he does not care that I have little chubby fingers or I’m not a twig, oranything like that. He loves me for me, like I love him for him, I wouldn’t changeanything about our relationship we are right where God wants us to be. God knowswe can handle being apart right now, and I know this will only make us astronger couple when we are finally together every day.
I feel like I can be me when I am with Tom, I don’t have tobe someone different, I can just be Rachel. I have never had that before in mylife, I always had a guy who controlled me and wanted me to do exactly what hewanted when he wanted and he didn’t care how it made me feel at all. Not Tom heis 101% different than that, he lets me be me, without any strings tied orropes attached, I can just be me!!!
If you are lucky enough to meet a guy like I have, all I cansay is keep a hold of him and treasure the time you have with him. I thank Godfor every minute of every day I get to spend with My Love, not a minute goes bythat I don’t think about him, and I can’t wait for us to be together soon…..
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