I still will never forget when I first landed in India at the Delhi airport, I walked through these 2 glass doors and was instantly hit with a huge group of people holding signs and shouting at people. At that point I had been up for something like 30 strait hours, I was exhausted and hungry, and on top of everything the bus line I was told to take to the orphanage no one had ever heard of. I was in tiers with Tom on the phone and he was telling me to calm down everything is going to be okay, I will be fine, its just India no one is going to hurt me I just have to try to find someone to speak with and help me. Finally I find someone to speak with and I was able to get a ticket for the right bus and I felt a lot better already. When I get on the bus and the first thing I see is this Indian man with his Chinese girlfriend holding hands, I remember looking at them and wishing Tom was with me, and how safe I would feel if he was here with me.
This was my first time in India, and it was my first time outside of the US except to take car trips to Canada, and that does not feel like I was even out of the US when we did that. Once I was with Tom I felt so safe with him, and at one point about half way through our journey I thought to myself “Rach if you get separated from Tom do you even know what hotel we’re staying in?” and I had to say answer myself with a big NOPE… I really had no clue of where we were or anything when I was with him, because that’s how safe I felt with him really. That’s a huge compliment to him also because usually I have to know where we were and what time we were doing whatever, but I feel so conferrable with Tom that Im not like that with him, I can give him control and still feel safe.
It took a while for me to trust Tom and to know that he was not like everyone else! I had to trust that he wouldn’t cheat on me, or walk out on me when times get tough, and that he was going to be right beside me walking hand and hand with me. I don’t ever think he is going to leave me or anything like that, that is never in my head, and I really thought I would never get to the point in my life where I would trust someone as much as I trust him.
I am so truly blessed to have him in my life, and now looking back I can see how God prepared me for him, I can see that everything I didn’t in my life led him and I to the same road. When I didn’t think anything made sense, now looking back I see why that happened to me or I can see why I chose to do this or that. I had a good friend say to me that once you find who God really wants you to be with you will see that everything in your life that made no sense at all, all of the sudden makes sense
Tom makes me want to be a better person too, I never wanted to dress up for anyone or where a dress for my man, or anything before I met Tom. I like shopping now, and I like doing my hair now, and putting on makeup, this is how I know he is the one for me also, because I never did that stuff before really. I look forward to waking up and putting on a dress, even though he’s not here with me, it makes me feel like Im getting dressed up for him in a way.
I just could talk about Tom for hours and hours Im sure my girlfriends get sick of hearing about him but it makes me feel like he's here when I talk about him. Like he is just gone for a few days visiting some friends and him and I will be together soon. Im having a real bad miss Tom day today, I feel like I could just burst out in tiers right now just thinking about him………
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