Thursday, May 2, 2013

we have a “list” at our house ...

It’s amazing how much stuff we have done together in such a little time! We went on vacation to Arkansas, had a wedding, we went on 2 honeymoons and celebrated my birthday…. Wow to me it feels like we have only been together in person for a few weeks or so, but it has been over 3 months since he go here!!!! 
For us living together is so different than Skyping or talking on the phone together. Don’t get me wrong we have our good and bad days just like anyone else, but it’s so nice knowing he will be home when I get home from work. I think the thing for me that puts a smile on my face is when I leave for work in the morning and we cooked late at night the night before and just left the kitchen a mess, and when I get home the whole kitchen is cleaned up! To him that is not a big thing, but to me it is a big thing, because he doesn’t realize that after I work all day I don’t want to clean the kitchen up before I have to make dinner.
I have read so many things that say if you can get through the 1st year of marriage you can get through anything together and I believe this is true in so many ways. When you get married you are merging 2 lives into 1 life, and you have to constantly remind yourself that you are not the only person in this relationship! There is a whole other person you have to consider, and that hit me hard! I lived the past 5 years in our house alone for the most part and I have things the way I like them, then all of the sudden Tom moves in and things are not exactly how I wanted them! To tell you the truth I think my way is the best way, it was just how I did things, how I organized things and how I like things, but now that I’m married I have to consider my husband.
The best advice I can give to newly married couples is to move! Move into a new house with a fresh start, because I know if I moved into Toms house I would never 100% feel like it was our house, it would always be his house I’m living in. So I can see how Tom doesn’t feel like our house is totally his, because I have lived there for 4 years and things are how I like it. If we moved into a new house it would be more like our house than my house, even if Tom had nothing to do with the paint or anything it would still be our house.
So we have a “list” at our house and on this list we put everything we want to do in the future. The list ranges from ‘going out to dinner and not looking at the prices on the menu’ to ‘a huge European vacation’, with a variety of things between those two things. Other things on our list are like a new washing machine, fix the garage and buy a camper trailer for example. It seems like every day our “list” gets bigger and it’s now a running joke at our house to say ‘oh just add it to the list’.  
But really I’m just so happy Tom is here with me that I don’t care if we never get anything on our list done, I’m just happy that finally he’s here with me and we are together!

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